punctuation punctuation n. 句読(くとう)法, 句読点. 【動詞+】 I corrected his punctuation. 彼の打った句読点を正しく直してやった improve one's spelling and punctuation 自分のスペリングと句読法を上達させる Put (in) punctuation to aid the reade
no voiced consonant marks or punctuation marks are used . 濁点・句読点はない。
100 honen yusho (100 secret excerpts of honen ) vol . 1-2 (with red dots for punctuation marks ) 百法顕幽抄 巻第一末(朱点本)
representative widespread texts that have additional punctuation marks are as follows: 以下は、代表的な流布テキストに句読点を施したものである。
kongo hannya-kyo sanjutsu (the script of the kongo hannya-kyo sutra ), volume 1 (with white dots for punctuation marks ) 金剛般若経讃述 巻上(白点本)
sanetaka sanjonishi put punctuation marks and shoten (marks to add kanji to show shisei ) when he copied it , and he also collated it . 三条西実隆は、筆写のおり句読点や声点を施し、ほかにも校合が試みられている。
the following is quoted from the shosho (the original text was written in the old [traditional ] form of [chinese ] characters ] and katakana [fragmentary kana ] without voiced sound marks or punctuation marks ). 以下、詔書の内容を引用する(原典は旧字体・カタカナで句読点・濁点なし)。
although the quotations were referenced from the " yokyoku taikan " (a complete anthology of noh plays ), some characters have been converted into modern chinese characters and punctuation marks have been added for readability . なお引用にあたってはおもに参考文献にあげた『謡曲大観』を参照しているが、読解の容易から適宜漢字変換、句読点を追加した)
however , since it had neither punctuation marks nor kanji (chinese characters ), it could be understood in various meanings when reading it through , so it was considered to be difficult to make it out correctly before the emergence of onizaburo deguchi . しかしながら句読点も漢字も当てられていないので、通読はしてもその意味は何通りにでも理解出来てしまい、出口王仁三郎出現以前は正確な判読が困難と考えられていた。
in 1902 , yorikuni inoue and ariyoshi saeki , both of whom were lecturers at koten kokyusho (a research institute for shinto ), put punctuation marks and guiding marks beside chinese characters on the original text proofed by harumichi yano , which had been owned by the suzuka family . 明治35年(1902年)、当時皇典講究所の講師であった井上頼圀と佐伯有義が、鈴鹿家所蔵の矢野玄道による校正本を底本に句読点と訓点を施した。
onizaburo deguchi added punctuation marks and kanji on this scripture by using kototama-gaku (the scientific method of studying the spirit of words ) which he had learned from scholars of japanese classical literature including masumi oishigori , and new interpretation of kojiki , and omoto shinyu was born by editing this way , and became thoroughly easier to read . 出口王仁三郎は大石凝真澄(オオイシゴリマスミ)らを始めとする国学者らから習得した言霊学(コトタマガク)と、古事記の新解釈によってこの筆先に句読点と漢字を当て、かくして編纂した大本神諭が生まれ、全編にわたって読みやすくなった。